Des statuts bien pratiques

Verfasser: Otchakovsky-Laurens, François
Vorlageform:François Otchakovsky-Laurens
Schlagwort: Statuten
Geschichte 1300-1400
Geo-Klassifikation: Frankreich
Fußnoten:Abstract: The urban statutes were familiar to the political society in Marseilles under the Angevine domination. Around the city council and the records of its deliberations, a usage of the statutory norm emerged that differed considerably from the monumental character conferred subsequently on the different versions of the Liber Statutorum. Hence the allegations to statutory norms were a common practice during the meetings of the municipal assembly. They allowed for political and sometimes personal manipulation, by individuals or by prominent groups. The norms of the city were delivered from the consular rostrum. One may observe a certain degree of public knowledge given to these statutes among the council assembly - at times plentiful - and to the effects they could have had concerning the people from Marseilles in general. This study intends to demonstrate how these two normative modes - current ordinances of the assembly and statutes - came together in a flexible manner to form a coherent regime normativity and recompose the seigniorial domination to the benefit of the city council.
Quelle:Les statuts communaux vus de l'extérieur dans les sociétés méditerranéennes de l'Occident (XIIe-XVe siècle) : Statuts, écritures et pratiques sociales ; 4 / Didier Lett (dir.) - Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2020. - (Histoire ancienne et médiévale ; 168), ISBN 978-10-351-0551-8, Seite 61-74
Signatur:Emh 1001 - 4 * Free Access
Links:Free Access