Ein Passbrief Kaiser Ferdinands III. für Lübecker Kaufleute

Verfasser: Auer, Leopold
Vorlageform:Leopold Auer
Schlagwort: Lübeck
Ferdinand III.
Heiliges Römisches Reich
Kaiser <1608-1657>
Geo-Klassifikation: Deutschland
Fußnoten:Abstract: Passport of Emperor Ferdinand III for Merchants of Lübeck After the Thirty Years War the Hanseatic towns were faced with political and economic challenges which called for a partial reorientation towards new markets overseas including transatlantic trade. The grant of a maritime passport by Emperor Ferdinand III in September 1656 to a group of merchants of the Hanseatic town of Lübeck constitutes a significant example of this reorientation. At the same time its examination opens up interesting perspectives of research by adding supplementary informations to previously explored Hanseatic sources. After viewing the grant in its wider context of Hanseatic commercial history, the article focuses on the role of the Imperial aulic council for its performance, describing the various responsibilities of the persons involved and demonstrating that the northern parts of the Holy Roman Empire were by no means outside the sphere of imperial Influence.
Quelle:Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 130 (2022), Seite 333-339
Signatur:Bibliographischer Datensatz, Werk nicht am Institut vorhanden