World relations and the production of urban realities

Verfasser: Werlen, Benno
Vorlageform:Benno Werlen
Schlagwort: Stadtraum
Fußnoten:The article understands social practices as the key constitutive 'force' of the formation of cities, urban networks and urbanity as life-form. Special attention is hereby given to the role of spatiality of societal living conditions, urbanisation processes and the social reproduction of urban realities. These practices are consequently understood as practices of geography-making, the core of the constitution of meaningful geographical realities. The relevant argumentation includes the requirement of a radical spatial turn. Instead of the spatialisation of social and cultural worlds a close look at the processes and geographical practices of world binding or world relation is postulated and suggested as a methodological tool for empirical or historical research. ̀Urbanityʻ can consequently be defined as a specific style of world relation that is intersubjectively shared. It is then qualified as a specific life-style being at the same time necessary condition and expression of historically and regionally changing world relations, as well as a starting point and result of city formation.
Quelle:Religion and urbanity online / Susanne Rau et al. (Hgg.) - Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021
Signatur:Open Access
Links:Open Access (CC BY 4.0)